Dealing With Back Pain In Pregnancy
It Can Be Treated By Staying Active And Also Wearing A Belly Band To Distribute The Weight
During pregnancy, the main discomfort is probably back pain. This is because the additional weigh the body has to carry, which varies the center of gravity. Other causes of back pain are the relaxation of the ligaments that join the pelvis, which facilitate childbirth. However, if the back pain is severe, or affects only one side of the body, it could be a symptom of a serious condition, such as kidney stones. There are exercises that can help strengthen the core. Also, excess weight or obesity will increase back pain and can put the pregnancy at risk. The specialist may prescribe painkillers such as acetaminophen, but a more practical idea is to use a belly band, which will help distribute the load. As in chronic back pain, specialists recommend staying active, which will also help with delivery and also allow a quicker recovery. Click here for more details.